Three Psychology Books No One Should Skip to Understand More About How Their Brain Works

Know more about what is driving your everyday actions.

Logan Rane
5 min readNov 14, 2023
Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

These three books will teach everything you need to know about the workings of your brain, why you take certain actions, and what you can do about it.

The Brain That Changes Itself

by Norman Doidge

This book isn’t just fascinating; it’s a mind-bender in the truest sense.

Doidge, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, dives into the world of neuroplasticity. That’s a fancy way of saying our brains can change, adapt, and even heal themselves.

And yes, even adult brains. Your brain doesn’t stop growing after your childhood.

  1. Stories of Transformation: From recovering stroke victims to people overcoming learning disabilities, Doidge introduces real-life stories that are nothing short of miraculous.
  2. Science Meets the Real World: It’s not just lab stuff. The book shows how these brain changes play out in everyday life.
  3. Hope for Healing: One of the coolest parts is how it opens the door to new ways of treating and understanding neurological and psychological conditions.



Logan Rane

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